Celebrating the life & work of Danny Frederick (1955-2021)


3-5pm GMT (UK time). For the general schedule, CLICK HERE.

To convert the schedule to your time zone, click here.

ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88571496957?pwd=aEFNK1ZPVGI1a0liL3JiS1prbG1lQT09.

This event is free and open to the general public.

  • The session is scheduled from 3-5pm GMT, late enough so that Danny’s friends from the US West Coast can join us to celebrate his life and work. We will ask the participants to share their memories of and stories about Danny. The entire session will be recorded and made available on YouTube. If you would like to opt-out, turn off your camera and change your ZOOM name.
  • RSVP’ing is not necessary but is nevertheless appreciated as it will help us plan better. RSVP to ourkarlpopper[at]gmail[dot]com.
  • Co-hosts to be announced soon.
Confirmed guests:
Danny Frederick on the WWW: