2021 – What to Expect :

Rule 1: Have you checked that you have the latest version of ZOOM 5.4.7? Otherwise, the breakout room feature will not work! If necessary leave ZOOM and update ZOOM software.

Rule 2: Everyone is encouraged to record their own ZOOM session. The host can only record what is happening in her breakout room. She can only record what is happening on her screen. Check that your RECORD button works before you join the breakout rooms. (The host is supposed to give you these privileges when you are in the MAIN ZOOM room. She cannot give you these privileges when you are in the breakout rooms.)

Rule 3: Mute yourself, and use the space bar when you talk. Otherwise, there will eventually be too much feedback noise.

Rule 4: No CRIT RAT arguments except in the CRIT RAT breakout rooms (rooms 32-40). Rooms 1-31 are designated for the Meet ‘n Greet (on the half hr.) and cheers and toasts (on the hour). If anyone wants to argue something, even if they say it will take only 5 minutes, tell them to go to a CRIT RAT. Or tell them to go to the Critical Rationalism group on FB, or Oxford Karl Popper Society group, or the Many Worlds of David Deutsch. These groups have been specifically designed to present arguments and counter-arguments.

Rule 5: If you would like to contact the host — i.e., for example you are experiencing technical difficulties — you must go back to the MAIN ZOOM room. It is not possible to communicate with the MAIN ZOOM room from within the breakout room. To get back in the MAIN SESSION, click on LEAVE ROOM, and then LEAVE BREAKOUT ROOM. You will be able to go back to the breakout rooms any time. If you experience technical difficulties are are strongly encouraged to go back to the MAIN SESSION. It will be so much easier to solve your tech problems there.

Rule 6: If you would like to stay in touch about the recordings and etc,, send your email to ourkarlpopper.com. Or join Critical Rationalism, Oxford Karl Popper Society, or the Many Worlds of David Deutsch on Facebook.

Rule 7: Use the RAISE YOUR HAND option under the associated with the REACTIONS button. Once there are more than five people in a breakout room, that RAISE YOUR HAND button is going to be super-helpful to give everyone a chance to talk. Use it. Test it out.

Rule 8: Cheers toast & celebrations on the hour. Introductions in between.

Rule 9: Possible conversation starts: (1) how did you learn about Karl Popper? (2) which one of his books did you read first? (3) Which book did you like most? (4) How did David Deutsch get you interested in the work of Karl Popper?

Margaretha Hendrickx, Trumansburg, NY, USA